2023-2024 Enrollment is Open!

Date Posted

Next year we are excited to announce some changes to our academic program at Greenbriar Community School. We will now be offering core curriculum classes four mornings a week in our K-12 programming. While we will still offer Game of Village and Project Wonderland, they will be moving to an afternoon elective model.

New Schedule:

Monday (Game of Village)
9-12 Core Curriculum
12-1 Lunch
1-3 Game of Village – or- Garden

Tuesday (Homeschool Enrichment)
9-12 Core Curriculum
12-1 Lunch
1-3 Electives*

Wednesday (Homeschool Enrichment)
9-12 Core Curriculum
12-1 Lunch
1-3 Electives*

Thursday (Project Wonderland)
9-12 Core Curriculum
12-1 Lunch
1-3 Project Wonderland -or- Garden

*Electives change throughout the year based on interest – past electives include Wilderness, Handicrafts, Improv, Newspaper, Event Planning, Blacksmithing, 3d printing, D&D, etc…. This year Games of Village and Project Wonderland students will be able to work on their projects during the elective blocks on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Enrollment is open. Learn more here: Greenbriarschool.org
